On the sporty side

On the sporty side

At INDEVOPS, we always support people with passions, and even more so in sports, since sports at our place interest almost everyone. We have a group on the #Strava app that regularly trains in various sports and records their results. Healthy competition helps us to achieve not only private, sports, but also professional goals. Active recreation is always on top, and we stick to that.

In this holiday time, we want to remind you of the story of our colleague Szymon Leszega, because he is preparing another sports surprise for us and you.
We will write about it soon, in the meantime we wish you a good vacation and invite you to read the article.

🤽‍ Link here: https://lnkd.in/dJNhxPu5

❤️ indevops.com

VMUG Event

VMUG Event

What is VMware Aria Oparations?
This is a question that customers ask us very often, and we at INDEVOPS answer and tell them. 😊 If you ever need, to expand your knowledge on this issue, feel free to contact me.

Yesterday on hashtag#PLVMUG we also faced this issue. Patryk Kaczmarek of Advatech sp. z o.o. spoke on this topic.
Andrzej Jeruzal, VMware by Broadcom, talked about hashtag#Velocloud SASE, the current strategy and what has changed.
Further speeches:
“Cloud services and the new cyber security regulations”. – Pawel Gruszecki
“SaltStack in practice” – Krzysztof Labiak
The meeting passed in a very good atmosphere. Lots of familiar faces and conversations. As always, it was a pleasure to meet you.

Well, but, it’s behind us.
There are already more events ahead of us, and we are getting ready for one of them in full swing! I will be writing to you about it soon. In the meantime, I invite you to the photo gallery.

Have a great day! 😊

❤️ indevops.com

Infoshare Gdansk 2024

Infoshare Gdansk 2024

#Infoshare 2024, Gdansk and us: Szymon Leszega, Kacper Durawa, Ewa Szymczak. A strong and laughing team. We were everywhere. The whole #event, is a real feast for the people of #Devops.
Several stages: Growth Stage, Inspire Stage, Dev Stage, Data Mass, and of course Marketing Stage. Everyone found something interesting for themselves.
Unfortunately, we could not enter everywhere, but we were there wherever we could.

Welcoming #CEO Gregory Borowski with an interesting title: “3 reasons why you’re here…and why we opt to be TOP 2 tech events”, was as good as scrambled eggs in the morning to start the day nicely.
Exhibitors, industry recruiters hashtag#IT. I handed out almost all my business cards, too, because students descended on the conference in large numbers, and we at INDEVOPS like freshness and are eager to hire young, ambitious, passionate people.

This is the kind of environment I rotate in every day. Positively twisted people who can talk for hours about their projects. Today was similar to Sarkan.io was not coming off the lips.
There is nothing to write too much, see for yourself.

With my usual custom, I invite you to the photo gallery.

❤️ indevops.com

Boot Camp IDO-BDM Sales- Marketing – Kickoff!

Boot Camp IDO-BDM Sales- Marketing – Kickoff!

Great initiative. We’re off to a great start!

We’re still waiting for the last few participants to arrive from Poznań. As you can see, the mood is high. The recording equipment is set up. Łukasz, you’ve impressed us. The real film studio is already up and running. We’re still in suspense, as the agenda sounds mysterious, although some of the topics are known.

  • How to work remotely efficiently, safely and enjoyably?
  • EasyRedmine – how to understand this non-intuitive tool?
  • Flow lead-opportunity-presales-workbook session
  • Action plans with teams:
    • OPS
    • DEV
    • FORGE (financial and operational team)
  • “Helicopter View/Strategy” session

Sounds good?

There are many other topics that we will be covering this week. I am super positive about it!  Also, see how important it is to have the support of your colleagues if you need some energy boost in the morning. Coffee was also available, of course.

My super INDEVOPS T-shirt was designed by our reliable graphic designer Karolina ❣❣❣

Have a great week!!

After Free May Days. What are we doing in the IDO-BDM team?

After Free May Days. What are we doing in the IDO-BDM team?

Free May days flew by like a #storm cloud over Masuria. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. But is that really true?

At @Indevops, good things happen all the time, and although I have my hands full of work, I really enjoy my active time spent working. There’s always something interesting going on, and thanks to that, even in the rain, the kids don’t get bored.

In marketing, we are currently improving our website indevops.com for you.

We have changed our email footers to new ones with links to our websites and social media. Thanks to this, you won’t have to search for information about us, because you will have all the most important information in one place. We have done a great job together, which I am very happy with.

We have a wonderful, young graphic designer @Karolina who does all the necessary graphics, images, and retouches photos for us. Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop hold no secrets for her.

We do not use AI, neither when writing posts nor when creating graphics, because I am from a generation where real and original creativity is important to me. In the beginning, when I started writing for you, I tried to refine the text with AI a few times, but I simply didn’t like the effect. The text was bland and the human element, which is the most valuable thing, was lost somewhere.

So much for digressions, but returning to the marketing field, in addition to the above, we are creating a new subpage for you: Indevops Media, where you will be able to quickly find our webinars, podcasts, and most interesting publications.

We are working on a subpage for new products under the “mysterious” name Management Packs, but more about that on another occasion.

And most importantly, next week we are starting a Boot Camp for the entire IDO-BDM team, which means sales and marketing. We will be integrating, creating a common plan for further fruitful cooperation, developing a sales strategy, training and taking part in workshops. All under the watchful eye of our CEO Paweł Orzechowki and our Project Manager, Scrum Master Łukasz Maciaszek.

P.S. Even Szymon Hały from Cyprus flew in. 🙂 To expand our knowledge and build awareness of our new product Sarkan. Sarkan.io

It looks like it’s going to be an intense and creative time. As you can see, May Day didn’t make us lazy. As always, I invite you to see the photos. This time, my May memories from the beautiful Masuria. Enjoy.